Discover Slovak Highlights / Slovak experience
Male 2.627.772 (48,7 %)
Female 2.769.264 (51,3 %) (census 2011 - on 21.5.2011 - source Statistical Office of Slovakia)
Slovaks (80,7 %),
Hungarians (8,5 %),
Romani (2 %),
Czech, Moravians (0,7 %),
Ruthenians (0,6 %)
Ukrainians (0,1 %)
Germans (0,1 %)
Poles (0,1 %)
other (0,2 %)
not stated (7 %) (census 2011 - on 21.5.2011 - source Satistical Office of Slovakia)
religious (76 %) therefrom: Roman Catholic Church (62 %),
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession (5,9 %),
Greek Catholic Church (3,8 %),
Reformed Christian Church (1,8 %),
Orthodox Church (0,9 %)
smaller churches (1,1 %),
other churches (0,5 %),
not stated (10,6 %),
without religion (13,4 %) (census 2011 - on 21.5.2011 - source Statistical Office of Slovakia)
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