Discover Slovak Highlights / Slovak experience

Local time

Slovakia is in the Central European Time Zone CET = UTC + 1. The Central European Summer Time (CEST/CEDT) is used from last sunday of March till last sunday of October. CEST = UTC +2.

CET (Central European Time) is one of the time zones with UTC+1, it is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal time UTC.

CEST (Central European Summer Time) - as well Slovakia as also many other countries in EU have adopted the use of Central European Summer Time, daylight saving time in summer with UTC+2. This CEST is used from last sunday of March till last sunday of October.

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is the primary time standard based on International Atomic Time. The local or regional time zones are now written as offset from UTC. Before were all time zones specified as an offset from GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The exactly value is fixed by Bureau International des Poits et Mesures (International bureau of weights and measures) in France.

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