Discover Slovak Highlights / Slovak experience
Slovak Republic (Slovenská republika)
Bratislava (432 801 inhabitants at 31.12.2010 - source Statistical office of Slovakia)
Parliamentary republic
5.397.036 (census 2011- on 21.5.2011 - source Statistical office of Slovakia)
110 inhabitants/km2 (census 2011 - on 21.5.2011 - source Statistical office of Slovakia)
Euro, exchange course:
UN (since 19.1.1993); UNESCO (since 9.2.1993); WTO (since 1.1.1995); OECD (since december 2000); NATO (since 29.3.2004); EU (since 1.5.2004); Schengen area (since 21.12.2007); Eurozone (since 1.1.2009) etc.
Total area: 49 035 km2 (131. place in the world -, more than 40% from total area is forested.
total length: 1 653 km
Ukraine (98 km), Poland (541 km), Czech Republic (252 km), Austria (107 km), Hungary (655 km) (source Ministery of Interior of Slovakia)
Slovakia is democratic and unitary state with parliamentary democracy.
Legislative power: National Council of Slovak Republic (Národná rada SR) - placed in Bratislava, unicameral parliament with 150 delegates, delegates are elected for a 4-year term in direct, democratic election. Voting system is based on proportional representation. Currently head of parliament: JUDr. Andrej Danko.
Executive power: Governmnet of Slovak Republic (Vláda SR) - placed in Bratislava, consists of prime minister, deputy prime ministers and ministers. The government is created after elections. The prime minister is appointed and released by the president. Currently head of government: Doc. JUDr. Robert Fico, CSc.
President of Slovak republic: placed in Bratislava, head of slovac state, currently Ing.Andrej Kiska. President is elected by direct popular vote for a 5-year term.
Judical power: Constitutional Court of Slovakia - placed in Košice, Supreme Court - placed in Bratislava, Special Court, Courts
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